BrandBox Locator


What is the purpose of
Based upon the Openstreetmap database we show the location of vending machines and other similar amenities around the world. This website and the android application are free of charge. The same applies for our API.
We update our internal database once a day by pulling the latest Openstreetmap diff. Changes which are done by the community (or by you) will show up on this website during 24 hours. The same applies for newly added vending machines.


The following types of vending machines can be found in our database and on the map:

1CommoditiesZigarettenautomaten IconCigarette Vending Machines
Snack-/Essensautomaten Icon Snack Vending Machines
Getränkeautomaten Icon Drink Vending Machines
Kondomautomaten Icon Condom Vending Machines
Zeitungsautomaten Icon Newspaper Vending Machines
2MoneyBankautomaten Icon ATMs
Banken Icon Banks
3PostalBriefkästen Icon Post Boxes
Postfillialen Icon Post Offices
Paketstationen (Einwurf/Abholung) Icon Parcel Drop off/Pickup
Briefmarkenautomaten Icon Stamp Vending Machines
4TransportParkticketautomaten Icon Parking Ticket Vending Machines
Tankstellen Icon Fuel Stations
Elektrische Ladestationen Icon Electric Fuel Stations
ÖPNV-Ticketautomaten Icon Public Transport Tickets
Fahrradverleihautomaten Icon Bicycle Rental Stations
Fahrradschlauchautomaten Icon Bicycle Tube Vending Machines
Maut-/Zollautomaten (z.B. für Vignetten) Icon Toll Ticket Vending Machines
5CommunicationTelefonzellen Icon Telephone Booth
Mobilfunk-Vouchers Icon Mobile Phone Voucher Vending Machines
6RecyclingRecycling Container Icon Recycling Container
Hundekotbeutel Icon Excrement Bag Vending Machines
7PhotoFotodruckautomaten Icon Photo Printing Machines
Fotoautomaten Icon Photo booth
8StandardUndefinierte Automaten Icon Unknown/Undefined Vending Machines
Tiernahrungsautomaten Icon Animal Food Vending Machines
Ticketautomaten Icon Unspecified Ticket Vending Machines
Voucher-/Gutschein-Automaten Icon Voucher/Coupon Vending Machines

Our Interface

Pull of specific data tiles

  Work in progress

Pull information about a specific vending machine

  "_id": "63c3420a739b3839b5a346a4",
  "id": 276818587,
  "version": 5,
  "uid": 16358,
  "timestamp": "2022-11-15T15:00:35.000Z",
  "changeset": 128946826,
  "tags": {
    "amenity": "telephone",
    "check_date": "2021-03-05",
    "covered": "yes",
    "internet_access": "yes",
    "internet_access:fee": "yes",
    "internet_access:operator": "Telekom",
    "operator": "Deutsche Telekom AG",
    "operator:wikidata": "Q9396",
    "payment:coins": "yes",
    "payment:credit_cards": "yes",
    "payment:telephone_cards": "yes",
    "sms": "yes"
  "location": [
  "lat": 51.0473877,
  "lon": 13.7370056,
  "deleted": false,
  "user": "Mike Krüger",
  "visible": true,
  "types": [
  "typeNames": [
  "geoHash": "u31f2sfux",
  "translatedTypeNames": {}

Usage of our interface

We are providing our interface for other projects by the the licence mentioned below for private or business use.

Please contact us if you plan to use the interface heavily via a short message to


Because our main data source origins from Openstreetmap the following licence is applicable:

The Box Locator Database is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: